Our 2025 Queen Macy, Princess Morgan and Princess Anna invite you to our 89th Annual St. Paul Rodeo and Parade.
We will feature PRCA rodeo performances on July 1 at 7:30pm, July 2 at 7:30pm, July 3 at 7:30pm, July 4 at 1:30pm
and 7:30pm, and July 5 at 7:30pm.
The parade is on Friday, July 4 and begins at 10:00am at the St. Paul High School, judging begins promptly at 8:00am.
The St. Paul High School is located at 20449 Main Street NE, St. Paul OR.
All parade participants, including visiting courts, must pre-register online at www.stpaulrodeo.com or may
complete the form below.
We would like to invite any courts participating in the July 4th parade to attend our luncheon at 11:00am in our
Trading Post Tent. It is the large tent located on the west side of the rodeo arena. Court members and no more than 2
chaperones will be provided tickets to the July 4, 1:30pm performance only.
Please check-in for grand entry 45 minutes prior to the start of the performance. For questions regarding grand entry
contact Jennifer Tickner Cell: 503-480-9887 or Email: jttickner@gmail.com
If you need more information or would like to purchase rodeo tickets for others in your group, please visit our website
www.stpaulrodeo.com or call 1-800-237-5920.
Please complete the following information and return by June 18, 2025:
St. Paul Rodeo
PO Box 175 Email: admin@stpaulrodeo.com