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2018 Poster

About the Artist

We are pleased to introduce our 2018 St. Paul Rodeo Poster Artist, Sherry Orchard. Sherry was born and raised in the beautiful Walla Walla Valley of Southeastern Washington state.

A self-taught artist, she has experimented with many different mediums but prefers the versatility, bright colors and quick drying time of acrylics. She loves to try new things and has found a fascinating painting surface on feathers. Her feather paintings represent her love of the West.

Sherry’s favorite subjects include heart-stopping rodeo action to serene images of the wildlife found only in the great American wilderness. She uses many types of feathers for her work such as wild turkey and
peacock. Her creations range from tiny single feather pieces to large multi feather paints that are the focal point of a room.

Sherry’s work has been exhibited at many juried shows and festivals throughout the Pacific Northwest. Her paintings have been purchased by collectors across the U.S. and from as far away as England, France and Australia.

About the Subject

The cowboy in Sherry’s artwork for the poster is Bobby Kerr, PRCA Specialty Act who has performed at the St. Paul Rodeo in the past.

Get yours now!

Collector posters on sale now on our website. After May 1, available at ticket office. During Rodeo, available in the Wild West Art Show tent.
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