Pro West Productions- Randy Fery
Growing up in the beautiful Oregon Willamette Valley, Randy was raised on a farm in Stayton, OR, where he still resides with his wife, Jill.
His farming background was the perfect environment for the transition to rodeo business.
He began his rodeo scoreboard/production business in 2003 and has grown successfully each year. Pro West has been selected for video productions for many West Coast rodeos and events, including the Columbia River Circuit Finals, California Circuit Finals and Grand Canyon Pro Rodeo Finals, Reno Rodeo Ellensburg Rodeo, St. Paul Rodeo and Rodeo Salinas.
Randy not only provides the video screen highlighting contestant information, stats and standings, the video crew also provide the video feed to the big screen and video feed for the Cowboy Channel.
The Pro West crew proudly represent the best screen content and video production possible.
What had begun as business acquaintances rapidly became lifelong friendships with every rodeo.